ilviAGENT - efficient worklist-management

Optimised data management of various health applications

Benefits of ilviAGENT     

Worklist management

Users can use ilviAGENT to select patients from a worklist and decide which healthcare programme (e.g. resting ECG, stress ECG, EEG) the patient data should be transferred to. The worklist provides an overview of activities to be completed, active activities and completed activities.

Access to health programmes

Patient data is stored in the appropriate file format (e.g. GDT, XML, etc.) at the destination of the desired third-party application. The data can be forwarded directly to external health applications and opened there without duplicate patient identification.


The individual ilviAGENTS can be customised and parameterised via the ilviCONNECT backend. This includes display filters, linked health programmes, etc.

Central management

By integrating the healthcare programmes into the ilvi system landscape, users can transfer patient data in a standardised way, thereby increasing data security and documentation quality.

Learn more about ilviAGENT


Patient list - overview of the patients

Discover ilviAGENT and experience efficient worklist management for seamless data management in your health programmes. Conveniently select your patient by name, patient ID, or case ID or scan the patient barcode and open it directly in the desired health application.

Worklist - examination overview per patient

In the "Order list" section of ilviAGENT you will find a clear overview of planned, ongoing and completed patient examinations. With a click on the "Start Exam" button, you open the appropriate health application depending on the type of examination. The seamless transfer of patient data enables direct forwarding to external health applications without duplicate patient identification.

Benefit from ilviAGENT

Seamless data management between health applications

Take advantage of ilviAGENT for efficient worklist management and seamless data management in your healthcare programmes. Enjoy the benefits of smooth third-party calls and the seamless transfer of patient data to target applications without duplicate identification. Quickly open external health applications from a single application and save time. Automatically assign reports to the right patient and send them to the target system to smooth your workflow.

 Your benefits of ilviAGENT

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